Agency Reports

06/06/2024 SRTP Workshop, Nipomo CSD Offices @ 5:30PM
06/06/2024 SRTP Workshop, Paso Robles City Hall @ 1:30PM
06/05/2024 SRTP Workshop, SLO Ludwick Center @ 5:30PM
06/05/2024 Joint RTAC MTC Meeting, SRTP Presentation
05/01/2024 RTA Organizational Chart
05/01/2024 RTA Budget FY24-25
04/15/2024 2024 SRTP Working Paper #3 Service & System Evaluation
03/07/2024 2024 SRTP Working Paper #2 Goals, Objectives and Standards
01/29/2024 2024 SRTP Working Paper #1: Overview of the RTA
11/01/2023 RTA 2023 TAM Plan
10/02/2023 RTA Financial Statements and Single Audit FY22/23
05/03/2023 RTA Job Descriptions
05/03/2023 RTA Budget FY23-24
04/11/2023 Major Disaster Declaration FEMA-4683-DR-CA
03/01/2023 RTA ICT Rollout Plan
03/01/2023 PTASP Plan - Updated January 2023
11/10/2022 RTA Financial Statements and Single Audit FY21/22
05/04/2022 RTA Job Descriptions
05/04/2022 RTA Budget FY22-23
11/10/2021 RTA Financial statements and Single audit FY2021
09/29/2021 RTA Job Descriptions
06/16/2021 SCT Financial statements and Single audit FY2021
05/05/2021 RTA Budget FY21-22
11/11/2020 RTA Financial statements and Single audit FY1920
10/13/2020 SCT Financial statements and Single audit FY1920
05/06/2020 Public Transportation Agency Safety Plan
05/06/2020 RTA Budget FY20-21
04/22/2020 South County Transit Budget FY20-21
03/30/2020 RTA Fiscal Audit FY 18/19
03/30/2020 RTA Single Audit FY18/19
01/03/2020 SoCo/DAR SRTP Executive Summary
01/03/2020 SoCo/DAR SRTP Final
12/24/2019 RTA Job Descriptions
10/12/2019 SoCo/DAR SRTP Working Paper #5: Capital Alternatives
10/12/2019 SoCo/DAR SRTP Working Paper #4: Service Alternatives
09/23/2019 South County Transit Audit Report FY 18/19
07/24/2019 RTA Bus Maintenance Facility IS-MND Addendum
07/24/2019 RTA Bus Maintenance Facility Planning Commission Report
07/17/2019 SoCo/DAR SRTP Working Paper #3: Service & System Evaluation
07/10/2019 Title VI Equity Analysis for Planned New Bus Maintenance Facility
05/01/2019 RTA Budget FY19-20
04/24/2019 South County Transit Budget FY19-20
04/22/2019 SoCo/DAR SRTP Working Paper #2: Goals & Objectives
04/17/2019 RTA Bus Maintenance Facility Programming Plan
03/22/2019 SoCo/DAR SRTP Working Paper #1 Existing Transit Condition
01/22/2019 RTA Fiscal Audit FY17-18
01/22/2019 RTA Single Audit FY17-18
10/16/2018 South County Transit Financial Statements FY17-18
07/26/2018 RTA - Stantec Agreement for D/E Services
07/11/2018 RTA Employee Handbook
05/02/2018 RTA Budget FY18-19
05/02/2018 DRAFT RTA Employee Handbook
04/25/2018 South County Transit Budget FY18-19
12/21/2017 2017 Customer Perception Survey Report
12/12/2017 RTA Fiscal Audit FY16-17
12/12/2016 RTA Single Audit FY16-17
10/18/2017 South County Transit Fiscal Audit FY16-17
09/29/2017 FTA Categorical Exclusion for RTA Bus Maintenance Facility
07/20/2017 Public Hearing Notice, RTA Bus Maintenance Facility
07/20/2017 Initial Study – Mitigated Negative Declaration for RTA Bus Maintenance Facility
07/20/2017 Appendices for IS-MND for RTA Bus Maintenance Facility
05/03/2017 RTA Budget Report FY17-18
04/26/2017 South County Transit Budget FY17-18
02/24/2017 DRAFT Bus Stop Improvements Plan
10/26/2016 RTA Fiscal Audit FY15-16
10/26/2016 RTA Single Audit FY15-16
09/29/2016 South County Transit Fiscal Audit FY15-16
09/14/2016 Adopted Mitigated Negative Declaration for RTA Use of County Yard for Bus Parking Facility in Paso Robles
07/13/2016 RTA Short Range Transit Plan Executive Summary
07/13/2016 RTA Short Range Transit Plan: Final Report
05/05/2016 SCT Budget 2016/2017
05/04/2016 RTA Budget 2016/2017
01/23/2016 RTA Audit 2015
01/23/2016 RTA Single Audit FY2014_2015
01/06/2016 RTA Procurement Policy and Purchasing Manual
12/07/2015 South County Transit Audit 2015
05/06/2015 RTA 2016 Budget
04/29/2015 SCT 2016 Budget
06/30/2014 RTA 2014 Single Audit
06/30/2014 RTA Financial Statements
06/30/2014 SCT Financial Statements
06/19/2014 RTA TDA Triennial Performance Audit Final Report
06/19/2014 SCT TDA Triennial Performance Audit Final Report
03/02/2011 South County Transit Plan